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Program for evaluating the match between observed and calculated values

FITEVAL for Windows FITEVAL for OS X
Library Requirements


Importante: FITEVAL requiere que los valores utilicen punto como separador de decimales.

FITEVAL can be executed as standalone application or as a MATLAB function.

An ASCII text file located in the same directory as the application is required. This file must contain two paired vectors or columns: the first with the observations and the second with the model-calculated values file is required containing the observed and calculated values to be evaluated

The input file may contain missing values that must be denoted as nan.

The filename can be passed as an argument (default filename is "fiteval.in").

The program finishes after closing the figure.

After running FITEVAL, it performs the goodness-of-fit evaluation providing a portable data file (pdf)

  a) a plot of observed vs. computed values illustrating the match on the 1:1 line;
  b) the calculation of NSE and RMSE and their corresponding confidence intervals of 95%;
  c) the qualitative goodness-of-fit interpretation based on the established classes;
  d) a verification of the presence of bias or the possible presence of outliers;
  e) the plot of the Ceff cumulative probability function superimposed on the Ceff class regions;
  f) a plot illustrating the evolution of the observed and computed values.

Additionally, the numerical output is stored in a ascii text file.

The above-mentioned plots can be obtained also as separated files in the specified (as argument) graphic format ('eps', 'pdf', 'jpg', 'tiff, or 'png'). A plot label can be provided by using a "text string" as argument after the filename. Examples of use are provided in the section below.

Removing repeated cases in the observed and calculated values is possible by passing as second argument NOREP. For example: fiteval data_ex3.in NOREP

The program indicates the number of removals only if repeated cases present.

Four EXAMPLE files are included in this package data_ex1.in, data_ex2.in, data_ex3.in and fiteval.in (default).

FITEVAL can apply Efron and Tibshirani (1993) bootstrap or Politis and Romano (1994) block bootstrap when dealing   with time series. The latter is the default option.

The fitevalconfig.txt file is required when you want to run FITEVAL with other threshold values or for calculating Legates and McCabe (1999) modified form of the coefficient of efficiency (E1) instead of NSE. This file contains six lines specifying: Acceptable NSEthreshold, Good NSEthreshold, Very good NSEthreshold, relative bias threshold value (%), the option for computing E1, figures’ font size, and the option for canceling the on-screen display of the graphical output (useful when using FITEVAL for multiple series calculations in a script). The corresponding default values are 0.65, 0.80, 0.90, 5, 0, 10, and 0, respectively (see below  fitevalconfig.txt example).

           fitevalconfig.txt content:

    0.65 % Acceptable NSE threshold value
    0.80 % Good NSE threshold value
    0.90 % Very good NSE threshold value
    5 % BiasValue
    0 % Compute Legates and McCabe modified Ceff (1=yes,0=no)
    0 % Bootstrap method (1= Efrons' bootstrapping, 0= block boostrapping)
    10 % FontSizeValue
    0 % Do not display the graphical output (1=yes)

Examples for executing FITEVAL

Under Windows or in MATLAB
Under OS X
fiteval <argument_list>
sh run_fiteval.sh <directory> <argument_list>
     fiteval fiteval.in norep
     fiteval data_ex1.in
     fiteval data_ex2.in
     fiteval data_ex3.in
     fiteval data_ex3.in norep
     fiteval data_ex1.in. Example1 jpg
      sh run_fiteval.sh <directory>
      sh run_fiteval.sh <directory>  fiteval.in norep
      sh run_fiteval.sh <directory>  data_ex1.in
      sh run_fiteval.sh <directory>  data_ex2.in
      sh run_fiteval.sh <directory>  data_ex3.in
      sh run_fiteval.sh <directory>  data_ex3.in norep
      sh run_fiteval.sh <directory>  data_ex1.in 'Example 1'  jpg

<directory> is the directory where the MCR (or the MATLAB) is installed (further help)

Notice that a batch file can be used for executing many FITEVAL examples automatically.

Example of FITEVAL numerical output under OS X
fiteval numerical output

Example of FITEVAL graphical output under OS X
fiteval numerical output

FITEVAL for Windows FITEVAL for OS X
Library Requirements


Área de Ingeniería Agroforestal. Dep. Ingeniería Agraria, Náutica, Civil y Marítima

Universidad de La Laguna